Play is seen as a crucial medium for learning and development. It acknowledges the child as capable and resourceful and allows the educators to follow the national guidelines, regulations and standards detailed in the National Quality Framework.

Koninderie Preschool’s routine is flexible and accommodating to meet the children’s needs, special events and weather conditions.

Handwashing is embedded throughout our daily routine. Children are encouraged to wash their hands on arrival to the service, before and after meal times, after toileting and through transition time from the outdoor play environment.

Sunscreen is applied throughout the day when required.

We play and learn on Dharawal Land

  • Australia
  • Aboriginal
  • Torres Strait Islander

Daily Routine

  • 8.15am Arrival/ Outdoor play
  • 9.45am Morning tea/Re-apply sunscreen
  • 10.15am Munch and Move/Outdoor play
  • 11.30pm Pack away outdoor environment
  • 11.40am Morning Gathering/Group Time
  • 12.00pm Lunch time
  • 12.30pm Rest and Relaxation
  • 12.50pm Indoor play
  • 2.45pm Pack away indoor environment
  • 2.55pm Music and Movement group time
  • 3.10pm Afternoon activities - Example - Yarning circle, Quiet activities, Meditation, Story. Afternoon tea offered.
  • 3.45pm Children are required to be collected by 3.45pm
  • 4.00pm Service closed

*Our daily routine is flexible and may at times change to meet the needs of the children or due to special events. In terms 2 and 3 we begin our morning indoors and our afternoon outdoors.

Daily Routine
Healthy lunchbox

Healthy Lunchbox

We recognise the importance of healthy eating for the growth, development and wellbeing of young children and promote and support healthy food and drink choices for children in our care. We implement and embed the healthy eating key messages in the NSW Health Munch and Move program into our curriculum.

Highly processed foods high in fat, salt and sugar and low in essential nutrients are not suitable for preschool and should not be brought from home.

Drink bottles should only contain water. Milk, flavoured milk, juice, cordial and soft drinks are not suitable for preschool.

Please click on the link below for some healthy lunchbox ideas.

Learn More

Sun Safety

Sunscreen is applied when required. Educators refer to the Sun Smart App when applying sunscreen.

Sunscreen is applied when the UV level is 3 or above. Children and Educators are encouraged to wear hats when outdoors.

Learn More

Sun Safety

What to Bring

  • School Bag
    (big enough for your child to be able to pack their own belongings into)

  • Preschool Hat

  • Water Drink Bottle

  • Healthy Lunchbox
    with Morning Tea and Lunch

  • A piece of fruit or vegetable for afternoon tea

  • Spare clothes
    (suitable for the weather)

  • Please ensure all belongings are labelled with your child’s name

Enrolment Application

If you would like to enrol your child at our preschool please fill out our application form.